Uncovering clandestine journeys in travel everyday,
Several assemble for learning, some disbands to play.
In the phase of life where character is what we gain,
Many endure nightmares just to acquire fame.

Some require basics to support their upward climb.  
They can be evasive but the details they must find.
Affairs that distress them are constantly on their mind.
They live close to the rim; fanatically inclined.
Accountable for their actions they can rise with insight
The truth will attract them and draw them into the light.  
Temptations to interject in their lives will come our way.
We must respect without regret, our instincts and obey.
We proved the truth via the clues from appropriate explanation
We trust the instincts that we used and received clear validation.
Under our rhythmic impetus, on accord, we blend right in.
From this we can definitely trust our efforts to comprehend.
Formulating opinions, we come to several conclusions,
Which give us dominion; we advance with impulsion.
Our struggle is not with others when we flow within our tides.
Interference in their troubles pulls us from side to side.
Compassion shown on every side will helps them find their flow.
Our strength of will covers us in high tides and the low
We must reside in harmony, steadfast, without reserve.
Extracting all obstinacy to obtain what we deserve.
Peacefully in meditation, we observe divine law,
Endowed with revelations of the law without a flaw
We distinguish while we seek when the streams are very low
Respectfully speaking, we ascend, with a melodic flow.

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